By: Passalacqua & Associates

Challenges in DWI Defense: Latest Techniques and Legal Insights

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Defending individuals charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) has never been a straightforward process. The landscape is constantly evolving due to advancements in law enforcement techniques, stricter legal standards, and innovations in testing methods.

As attorneys strive to protect their client’s rights, they must navigate an increasingly complex field filled with nuanced legal issues, scientific developments, and social pressures aimed at reducing impaired driving.

The Rising Complexity of DWI Laws

Over the years, laws surrounding DWI have become stricter, leading to more severe penalties and lower thresholds for what constitutes impairment. Legislatures have responded to rising concerns over public safety by reducing the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit in many jurisdictions and increasing the legal consequences of a conviction. This tightening of the legal framework makes DWI defense more challenging than ever.

Zero-Tolerance Policies

Zero-tolerance policies, particularly for underage drivers, are a significant shift in how DWI cases are prosecuted. In these cases, any detectable amount of alcohol in a driver’s system is enough to result in charges, which requires defense attorneys to adopt highly specific strategies to address different groups of drivers affected by these stricter standards.

Challenges in Field Sobriety and Chemical Testing

DWI cases rely heavily on evidence collected during the arrest, particularly field sobriety tests and chemical testing, such as breathalyzers. However, these methods are not foolproof, and defense attorneys have increasingly focused on exposing their potential flaws.

Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are a common tool used by law enforcement to determine whether a driver is impaired. These tests are designed to detect physical signs of impairment. However, these tests are subjective by nature and rely heavily on the officer’s observations, which can introduce a margin of error.
Many factors can affect an individual’s performance on FSTs, including medical conditions, fatigue, anxiety, or even the weather conditions at the time of the test. Defense lawyers often challenge the results of these tests by bringing up alternative explanations for their clients’ poor performance. For example, someone with a knee injury might struggle with a test requiring walking and turning, requested by officers to demonstrate sobriety levels.

Breathalyzer Tests

Breathalyzer tests are another key piece of evidence in most DWI cases. While these devices are widely regarded as reliable, they are not infallible. Defense attorneys can challenge the results of breath tests by questioning the calibration of the device, the timing of the test, or the training of the officer administering it. Even small errors in calibration or maintenance can skew the results, leading to an unjustified charge.

Defending Against Drug-Related DWIs

In recent years, the rise in the use of prescription medications and the legalization of marijuana in several states has led to an increase in drug-related DWI cases. These cases present unique challenges for both prosecutors and defense attorneys because determining impairment due to drugs is far more complicated than measuring alcohol intoxication.

Testing for Drugs

Unlike alcohol, there is no standardized level of impairment for drugs such as marijuana, prescription medications, or other controlled substances. Law enforcement officers rely on Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) to assess whether a driver is under the influence of drugs. However, DRE assessments are highly subjective, and their conclusions can be challenged. Defense lawyers may question the DRE’s qualifications, training, or the methods they used to evaluate the driver.

Constitutional Challenges in DWI Cases

Constitutional issues play a significant role in DWI defense, particularly regarding Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. Defense attorneys often argue that the arresting officer lacked probable cause to stop the vehicle in the first place or that the subsequent search and seizure were conducted improperly.

Illegal Traffic Stops

One common defense tactic is to challenge the legality of the traffic stop that led to the DWI arrest. If the defense can demonstrate that the officer did not have a valid reason for pulling the driver over, any evidence gathered during the stop—including the results of sobriety tests and chemical tests—may be deemed inadmissible in court, which can be a powerful defense strategy, as the exclusion of key evidence can significantly weaken the prosecution’s case.

Warrantless Blood Draws

In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has weighed in on the issue of warrantless blood draws in DWI cases. In Missouri v. McNeely (2013), the Court held that police officers must obtain a warrant before conducting a blood test, except in certain difficult circumstances. This ruling has given defense attorneys another avenue to challenge the prosecution’s evidence, especially in cases where blood was drawn without a warrant.

Public Perception and Jury Bias

Defending against a DWI charge often involves navigating the social stigma attached to impaired driving. Jurors may come into the courtroom with preconceived notions about drunk driving, and these biases can influence their judgment. Defense attorneys must work to counteract these biases by focusing on the legal and factual issues at hand rather than allowing emotional arguments to sway the jury.

Passalacqua & Associates, LLC Can Help

DWI defense is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires defense attorneys to stay informed about the latest legal developments and scientific advancements. From challenging the accuracy of chemical tests to questioning the legality of the traffic stop, a successful DWI defense often hinges on a thorough understanding of both the law and the science behind impairment testing.

By staying ahead of the curve and employing innovative defense strategies, experienced attorneys can effectively protect their client’s rights and secure favorable outcomes, even in the face of challenging circumstances. Call Passalacqua & Associates, LLC today at 315-277-3548 to schedule a consultation with our team.