By: Passalacqua & Associates

What is PIP Car Insurance?

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Personal Injury Protection, or PIP insurance coverage, is required by law in New York and typically covers medical expenses. Being a no-fault state, like many other states, having this coverage allows accident victims to receive compensation for their injuries, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. This PIP coverage is generally an aspect of a comprehensive auto policy.

If you have been involved in an accident or want to learn more about PIP and what the requirements are in New York, contact us at (315) 500-6425.

What Is Covered Under PIP Insurance?

PIP covers three main areas: medical expenses, death benefits, and economic losses the victim incurs as a result of an accident. The minimum amount required by the state is $50,000, and many people increase this amount as they are then able to recover up to the larger amount should they find themselves in need of coverage after an accident. If the injuries you sustain are significant such as a broken back, for example, medical costs can far exceed $50,000, and therefore having coverage up to a higher amount can be beneficial to you.

PIP also covers passengers in the vehicle during an accident as well as the insured’s family members. If the driver themselves is uninjured, but the passenger is injured, they can file a claim against the driver’s PIP and be compensated for their injuries.

Are My Medical Bills Covered Under PIP Insurance?

Medical costs can include ambulance transportation, surgical and medical expenses, physical rehabilitation, x-rays and MRIs, and more. Economic costs/losses are also covered. If you are unable to work due to the injuries sustained in the accident, PIP insurance can cover lost wages up to a certain point, so you are able to remain financially stable during your recovery. Lost wages can be covered for up to three years, as a certain percentage of your income, up to your policy’s limit. Death benefits are also covered by PIP, meaning the surviving members of the family (should a car accident result in your death) can be compensated to cover funeral expenses and burial costs.

Why Do I Need to Hire Injury Attorneys?

Having an experienced team on your side from the beginning stages post-accident is prudent in preserving your rights and obtaining compensation for you or your family. Beginning this process is timely, as there are guidelines in place that must be followed in order to ensure you can obtain accurate compensation. At our law firm, we have many years of combined experience in accident cases, and we can help to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve and can get back to your life. Contact us today at (315) 500-6425 to learn more about your options and how to get started.